
Listening to: Taking My Life Away
Feeling: broken
I havent spoken to Alyssa in about a week. She doesn't call me and I don't call her. It's like an unspoken agreement. It really hurt me when my mom told me she had been trying to seperate us for the past five years. She doesn't care about what I think. She just wants to run my life. I guess she fucked up hers so much she wants to do it to mine too. What a great mom... I dont know what I'm suppose to do now. Alyssa was the one person who i could talk to. I can't open up to anybody else. I feel like they are going to make rude comments or jokes about what i say. She was the only person I truly trusted... Maybe I should thank my mom for taking that away ~*Libby*~
Read 7 comments
thank you! :) appreciated as always. hope youre well.
i broke up with him cause he treats me bad and hes oversexed and stuff but yet i still love him
Hey, I know you don't know me, and I'm just browsing through, as I'm new to sitD. But as for this Alyssa girl, I, personally, would try my best to get things to change. If she really was as good a friend as she sounds like from this, try harder. She's probably worth it. I made the mistake of letting my best friend for 13 years go away, and I miss her every day. So good luck to you, whatever you decide.
ahhhh i hope things turn out ok for you.........if you ever need someone to talk to,just note me back and im here....**hugs**

i was just wondering how you got your cursor to do the round a bout thing?? Tell me your secret.
i dont sing THAT well........ :P
hey there littleone, hope you will feel better soon. give your mom a chance, i think she's only a human, too. (this is not my business i know ;). be well.