my united states of w/e

Feeling: random
What's quixotic??? Woo hoo 3rd entry of da day!! i wanted to make anotha one cuz im a weirdo Today if i get to im goin to sarah's and we will prob stay up till 6 am then sleep till 5 pm and eat pizza at 4am and watch billy madison like we alwayz do we are just so predictable lol Alyssa is comin down to visit grammy at some point in time i cant wait itll be great ill get to give her her bday present and she'll prob spend da nite tonz of fun i really have nothing else to write but STEVE ROX hehe had to put it ~*Libby*~
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lol i aparently have 4 entrys today...
whoops i forgot to sign the last comment...

btw quixotic means "Caught up in the romance of noble deeds and the pursuit of unreachable goals; idealistic without regard to practicality."