You are Belle from Beauty and the Beast!
What Disney Princess are you?
brought to you by Quizilla Muh parents aint gettin a divorce hopefully they tryin to work it out and muh dad said i could be gothic if i want so its like a double plus i so wanna be gothic id love to be a goth itd be great muh mom dont want me to be one though and all muh friendz say it wouldnt suprise them much and anotha great thing muh ex nick broke up with his gurl and i still have feelingz for him and shit so hopefully ill get ova it cuz hes great and i love him to death maybe more then a friend but ill get ova it hopefully and i also know dis great guy matt who im totally into too mad hes 6 yrs olda then me *sigh* lol hes alwayz tellin me how great it would be if he was younger or i was olda and i also feel da need to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SCOTT FOR FIXIN SITDIARY I MISSED IT BUNCHES!! :D im outie *Libby*