Listening to: Bended Knee
Feeling: bored
[my name is]:Elizabeth aka Libby
[love is] : hurtful
[I’m afraid of] : Spiders neva patchin things up completly with nanu and being alone
. . H A V E . Y O U. E V E R . .
[pictured your crush naked?] : nah
[actually saw your crush naked] :Nope
[been in love] : Yes
[cried when someone died]: Yes
. . W I T H. T H E O P P O S I T E. S E X. .
[what do u notice first?] : eyes and smile
[last person u slow danced with] : Matthew dante's party
[worst question to ask] : Do you have an std
. . W H O. .
[makes u laugh the most?] : Nanu Bear
[makes u smile] : Nanu and alot of other ppl but nanu can make me smile no matta what
[give u a funny feeling when u see them]:Joe and Casey B they make me uncomfy
[who do you have a crush on?] Alex
[who has a crush on u?] id rather not know
[is easiest to talk to?] Nanu bear (sometimes) and muh gurlz sarah and alyssa
. . W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R . .
[coke or pepsi] : Coke
[flowers or candy] : flowers from a guy and candy ne otha time
[tall or short] : tall no one is shorter then me!
. . D O . Y O U . E V E R . .
[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to IM you?] : i use to not nemore though
[cried because of someone saying something to you]: yea
. . W H O . W A S. T H E . L A S T . P E R S O N ..
[you talked to on the phone] : Alyssa
[hugged] : Matthew
[you laughed with] : John
. . D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U . .
[smoke cigarettes] : Nope allergic
[obsessive]: No
[could you live without the computer?] yes
[whats ur favorite food?] sushi and choclate
[drink alcohol?] Sometimes
[like watching the sunrises or sunset?] yes me and sarah do it all da time
[what hurts the most? Physical pain or emotional pain?] emotional u can alwayz hear from physical emotional lasts longer
[trust others way too easily?] No i barely trust neone
. . F A V O R I T E . .
[ Drink ] : Cherry limade THANX FOR BUYIN ME ONE MATTHEW :)
[ Color ] : red and black (wow our school colors neva noticed dat b4 lol)
[ Album ] : Dont have one
[ Shoes ] : Shoes are shoes
[ Candy ] : chocolate
[ Animal ] : dont know
[ TV Show ] : Friends
[ Movie ] : dont know
[ Song ] : There are too many to name!
[ Vegetable ] : i like em all
. . A R E .Y O U . .
[ Understanding ] : i have to be
[ Open-minded ] : yes
[ Arrogant ] : i can be...
[ Insecure ] : too insecure for words
[ Interesting ] : ppl say i am
[ Random ] : yes
[ Friendly ] : Yes
[ Smart ] : sorta
[ Moody ] : only at dat time of da month ;)
[ Childish ] : all da time
[ Independent ] : hell yea but muh sis is a diff story :P
[ Hard working ] : kinda
[ Organized ] : um no
[ Healthy ] : extremly
[ Emotionally Stable ] :not sure at da moment
[ Shy ] : when im around new ppl
[ Difficult ] : yes
[ Attractive ] : I dont think I am but ppl say i have an "exotic beauty" cuz im not blonde tall and extrmly scrawny like everybody else go me!
[ Bored Easily ] : sometimes
[ Messy ] : yes
[ Thirsty ] : No i just had a cherry limade *yum*
[ Responsible ] : I can be if needed
[ Angry ] : no
[ Sad ] : sometimes
[ Happy ] : usually
[ Hyper ] : always
[ Trusting ] : not usually u have to do alot to gain muh trust
[ Talkative ] : Yes
. . W H O .d O .Y O U .W A N T .t O . .
[ Kill ] : No one
[ Slap ] : Nick and sometimes kayla
[ Get Really Wasted With ] : renee
[ Get High With ] : dont wanna get high
[ Look Like ] : lol muh uncles family
[ Talk To Offline ] : people
[ Talk To Online ] : people
. . N U M B E R S . .
[of times i have had my heart broken? ] : once...
[number of hearts i have broken?] : several but it wasnt intentional
[of boys i have kissed?] : 2
[of girls i have kissed?] : a few but it wasnt french and it was just on da cheek and muh main chicken on da lips
[of tight friends?] : 3 i tell them EVERYTHING and there alwayz there for me
[of cd's that i own?] : lots
[of things in my past that i regret?] : alot :(
I KNOW : thingz
I WANT : to be successful and get outa here
I HAVE : a life :)
I WISH : that is till had my sister
I MISS : muh gurlz especially alyssa
I FEAR : Spiderz and the dark
I HEAR : boys to men
I WONDER : Where the word ponder came from
I REGRET : gettin with nick and kissin nanu
I TRUST : sarah alyssa and lynsi
I LOVE : sarah and alyssa
I ACHE : ...
I CARE : about my family and friends
I ALWAYS : ...
I AM NOT : alwayz "ok" on da inside
I DANCE : too much
I SING : everywhere!
I CRY : never i havent cried in yrs
I FIGHT : when i have to
I WRITE : thingz
I WIN : nothing
I LOSE : hm...
I CONFUSE : everythihng
I LISTEN : to music
I CAN USUALLY BE FOUND : with muh crew
I NEED : alyssa
I AM HAPPY : when im with muh crew just hangin out
I SHOULD HAVE : not eaten that cookie lol not really i should have not fallin for nick
I THINK : too many thoughts for such a small brain
I TEND TO : diss myself ALOT
I TEND NOT TO : tell ppl how much i care for them
I like everything about this page!! YOu rock i love cherry limeades!! I would like ot know you better if you know what i mean!?!