
Listening to: Meant To Live
[[ Name ]] - Elizabeth [[ Nicknames]] - Libby Isabella Lucy and so forth and so on [[ Astrological sign ]] - Aries...? [[ Chinese zodiac sign ]] - i dont know [[ Location ]] - muh home [[ Current Haircolor ]] -blondish brownish [[ Eyecolor ]] - deep blue [[ Parents still together ]] - yes [[ Siblings ]] - a brother and a sis [[ Pets ]] - dog and kitty [[ In school/graduated ]] - in school [[ What do you do for work ]] - i babysit every once in a while [[ What do you drive ]] - i dont [[ Black/White/Color ]] - black [[ Black/White ]] - black [[ Red/Blue ]] - red [[ Dogs/Cats ]] - dogs [[ Roses/Daisies ]] - roses. [[ Beer/Liquor ]] - liquor [[ Hair: Short/Long ]] - long [[ Hair: Natural/Dye ]] - natural [[ Boots/Shoes ]] - boots or sneakers [[ Food: Mexican/Italian ]] - italian [[ Dark/Light ]] - dark with nite light [[ Day/Night ]] - night [[ City/Country ]] - both [[ Sub/Dom ]] - sub [[ Color ]] - black, red [[ Animal ]] - white tiger [[ Vehicle ]] - huge truck [[ Beer ]] - bud [[ Soda ]] - none [[ Food ]] - pasta [[ Book ]] - To Kill a Mockingbird [[ Band ]] - d/k [[ CD ]] - d/k [[ Song ]] - freak on a leash [[ Movie ]] - not sure [[ Extracurricular Activity ]] - track [[ Color your hair ]] - blue [[ Have tattoos ]] - not yet [[ Piercings ]] - 2 in ears, [[ Brands ]] - does it matta? [[ Stolen anything ]] - yes [[ Smoke ]] - no [[ Pot ]] - no [[ Drink ]] - sometimes [[ Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name ]] - yes [[ Been so drunk you didn't care that you couldn't remember your name ]] - yes [[ Posed for nude pics ]] - i was goin to [[ Considered a life of crime ]] -yes [[ Considered being a hooker ]] - nope [[ Are you psycho ]] - sometimes [[ Split personalities ]] - prob [[ Obsessive ]] - no [[ Compulsive ]] - liar [[ Panic ]] - yes [ Anxiety ]] - sometimes [[ Depressed ]] - yes [[ Suicidal ]] - yes [[ Homicidal ]] - dont hate neone dat much [[ Genocidal ]] - no [[ Obsessed with hate ]] - yes [[ Mutilate animals ]] - hell no [[ Idolize infamous - criminals ]] - some [[ Kissed someone: ]] - yes [[ Gone down on someone: ] - no [[ Been in love: ]] - yes it sux [[ Been so drunk you blacked out: ]] - yes [[ Kept a secret from everyone: ]] - yes [[ Set a body part on fire: ]]- not purposfully [[ Had an imaginary friend: ]] - yes [[ Called or seen a psychic: ]] - yes [[ Ever cried at a chick flick: ]] - no [[ Had a crush on a teacher: ]] - no [[ Found a cartoon character attractive: ]] - yea hehe [[ Prank called someone: ]] - who hasnt? [[ Eaten a whole box of cookies and thought you were fat after: ]] - ive alwayz thought i was fat [[ Been on stage: ]] - yes and i love it [[ Gotten in a car accident: ]] - yes 3 [[ Wear eye shadow: ]] - not usually [[ Have a dog: ]] - yes [[ Want a tattoo and where: ]] - a farie/thornz on da small of my back [[ Have any regrets: ]] - yes [[ Have any fetishes: ]]-yes [[ Crush: ]] - dont wanna say [[ Do you have a best friend: ]] - sarah [[ Who do you go to for advice: ]] - nanu [[ Who knows all your secrets?: ]]- sarah [[ Who do you cry with: ]] - sarah [[ God/Devil: ]] - no one [[ Yourself: ]] - no [[ Your friends: ]] - too many [[ Aliens: ]] - sure [[ Love: ]] - no such thing [[ One person for everyone?: ]] - no
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