Listening to: nothin
Feeling: unlucky
Grr im in muh mood again i hate this feeling i also hate takin antibiotics for muh tooth i hate the way it feels goin down muh throat *gag* but right now i feel alone again like no one loves me and nobody cares.
Maybe i just need someone here, Someone to hold muh hand in times of need. I feel like i dont have anybody like dat. I use to but she lives in Mansfeild now. and Sarah is like that but she lives kinda far away too and too tied up with ryan to really care bout me right now.
And then there was Nanu Bear the most changin guy in the world i love him so much as a brother ya know but hes never there when i need him. Well i take that back he was yesterday when i was havin muh caffinee problem but its really rare that he worries about me cuz hes all tied up in Amanda and that kinda gets on muh nerves but i love amanda to death shes great.
I just hate this. I think im mad at the world. I dont think im that important nemore I keep rememberin that thing "to the world u may be one person but to one person u may be the world." well if its true who is muh person? ~*Libby*~