I respect you...

Feeling: inpain
Heh...this is a great song. It is the closing theme to Samurai Champloo, what could possibly be the second greatest samurai anime out there, right behind Kenshin/Samurai X. *sigh* Anyways, it's late in the night/early in the morning (however you want to look at it) and Spring Break 05` has officially started. And surprise, surprise...I'm already totally bored. And it's been less than 9 hours since it started. Lol. Well, to keep myself occupied until I talk to my friends again, I have a load of work to catch up on (mostly drawings), I stopped by Best Buy and got some new anime and video games, and picked up the newly released Volcano High. Anyone who doesn't believe a live action Dragon Ball/Z/GT or Yu Yu Hakusho could not be made...NEEDS.TO.SEE.THIS.MOVIE!! Anyways, game picked up was Dragon Ball Z: Sagas for PS2 and it is damn awesome. Veggie-head (Vegeta) is the toughest boss battle I've had in ages!! ^_^ The anime was mostly Case Closed and Lupin III, but I also got some others. Heh...I can't wait until the day I can walk into FYE or Best Buy, look around and actually say, "Shit...I've got all these...what a loser I am!". Heh...of course, I also bought a new copy of AH! My Goddess: The Movie...it seems you really can wear out a DVD. LMAO!! Anyways, I am out of here. No bodies online, I'm sick/tired, and I have work to do. So, this is Senji-ku/Ears signing off as always, saying Ja mata and catch ya on the flipside.
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Sorry I wasn't online yesterday...brothers...*rolls eyes* I hope to talk to you soon!