Listening to: The Reason - Hoobastank
Feeling: doomed
I honestly can't stand the world at times. So much sorrow in the world, both in generally and personally. From a friend's sorrow of a close loved one, to the pain of those in Katrina's wake, know you're all in my prayers.
Aside from that, there isn't much for me to speak of. I'm in artistic overdrive and inspiration keeps flowing in. Other than that...I'm on my second night of no sleep...or is it third?...I lost track.
::yawns some::
Well, I think I'm going to go draw.
Later, everyone. If you need me, don't be shy.
Katrine is making me wonder what my life would be like if I still lived down there, in Florida. I mean I wouldn't know you and all my other friends but... I prolly wouldn't have a home now. But I'm here and not there, and I'm glad that I know all of my friends. *smiles and hugs*
well, you better get some sleep. Night