Listening to: music right now...
Feeling: bleh
Okies...I think it's my time to vent for a few minutes. All my other past rants and venting were only half hearted. I thought I meant everything I said, but after keeping myself in hiding for basically the entire weekend, I can honestly say that I mean everything I say from here on out with all my heart.
First, I have to say that the field trip Friday was pretty awesome. Even though it was only two or two and a half hour trip, it was fun to spend some time with those I don't usually get to. The little group I hung with was hillarious. Although,I should drop a small apology to Kim...-_-u...I kinda got carried away and ended up with one of her buttons. little quote comes from the trip.
Next, my reasons for hiding this weekend. Well, I'd planned to do a few things this weekend, but a few of my friends didn't want me around for various reasons. Only one I could understand...though, only a little...and only because she's one of my best friends. Otherwise, it just really hurt all around.
(To be continued...need to reboot)
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