The heart shatters and falls...

Feeling: alone
Not much has happened today. The new Adult Swim line up started. And it may just be me since I'm not a king of Inuyasha...but I could have sworn that Jakotsu was a was a female voice actor. Am I just mistaken or did Viz really screw up and drop the ball this time?! *sigh* Then again, I'm failing at everything lately, so I'm probably wrong. *shakes head* Anyways, like I said, this is a rather boring day. Belldandy has an awesome new comment pic. That is so her. ^_^ Didn't really get to talk to Ash, that was kinda sad. Then I got giggled at for my Inuyasha hat. Oh well. Then I...*sigh*...nevermind. I'm outta here. I'm going to tape the rest of Adult Swim then I'm going to go out for a long, long walk/run. I need it. Maybe I'll draw later. I don't know. Anyways, until our paths cross again, this is everyone's favorite baka futori haisha Senji-ku signing off, saying ja mata and catch ya on the flipside. Random Quote:Oh...that? You wouldn't be interested in that... - Fox, "Batman Begins"
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! JAKOSTU IS MALE MALE MALE MALE MALE...But if he has a girl voice actor it makes since as long as they CALL him a him. If not...I WILL KEEL THEM...*hugs* Feel better Senji-ku. I'll try to feel better about not getting to see my Inuyasha if you try to feel better.