things swiftly come and go, im dreaming of her...

Feeling: lousy
hows everyone on here doing? things are going ok here i guess...i'm not liking life too much right now, but i ever really? today was fun though. i went to the mall with my sarah and the barry and bought things (always fun, lol), and barry got his hair cut,and we saw other things and did stuff and was fun. not really in a descriptive mood, in case you couldnt tell, lol. then we dyed barrys hair...and it kicks ass. basically, we dyed it black, then we put reddish streaks in it, so now its all trippy and awesome. see? close up! is that not adorable? haha, abbies all like "wtf?" not even gonna ask... thats my barry! yes, i know, lots of pictures of him...but i can't help it, im a proud parent dammit! lol
Read 9 comments
haha! yeah thats fuckin right damn it, i AM the sex!! lol j/k but hey, cant we all wish??

aww look at barry.

i feel so homesick =[
the last couple of days everything reminds me of home

and you guys


i love you oh so much
I miss yall!!

He looks very cute with his hair like that!!

it's brandi[my brandi;]
how are yew lovee?
i love yew like forever &ever
i sooo wish i could do my hair like that but mom would throw a ummm yeah...
so unfortunately i have to wait until i move out...and that will be WHEN???

well gotta go

xoxo SAM

oh,its horribley bad..

i cheated on danny...

...with mikey(my ex that i thought i was over,the one in those pictures)

and it gets worse..

mikey is going out with one of my friends...

it gets worse...

b4 me and danny went out he was going out with mikeys girlfriend...and he cheated on her with me


i feel like a whore.

and i really like danny..
but now im confused about mikey and danny its so bad
no...barrys MINE you bitch haha joke joke...i have no clue who you are but...umm yea i saw barry so yea...i lyke your site!
He's quite pretty :-P

You did a good job with his hair! ;-)
hahaha lmao to your comment.
same here...SAME HERE....
my moms bf kinda looks like hitler, and he's a jerk and scary. :[
nobody likes him.
me AND my friends are scared. hahahaha