Listening to: LASH
Feeling: experimental many little answers. I mean..why is it that when your alarm clock is"going off" that it's actually "turning on" ? What do you call a male Ladybug? Why do donuts have hole in them.? How do they get those boats in those little glass bottles? What does OK actually mean? How do you throw away a garbage can? If someone vanishes without a do people know that they are missing? If a cow laughs really hard...will milk come out of her nose? And do monkeys peel bananas..or do they just eat them whole? I mean...has anyone else ever thought about any of this. Life is so wierd with it's mysteries and wonders ...but really...What is the answer to all of those questions..Especially the cow one. I mean...can cows even laugh..I mean..yeah..this is so confusing...anyways..I'm tired..and so weirded out by the world. Good night
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Haha. I was amused by your entry.
LMAO!! that was the funniest entry i've ever read!