
Feeling: swamped
Hey Dan...I was going to comment on your diary..but it said.."sorry, only theopen's friends may read this dairy"....so I am writing this to you...lol....yeah Dan...I don't get what you mean when you said you have been a jerk...because really..it's been me...and I think we both know this.... I am not mad, upset or anything with you....You are an amazing person..and it's like I wrote in your yearbook..I have a lot of respect for you....something that means a lot to me.... I just want you to be happy with me, and yourself..... So if you really want me to say "I forgive you"..I will say it...but I don't think that it is me that needs to say it...because I feel like I am in the wrong this time (as hard as that is to admit)...and I should be asking for forgivness...not you. Maybe I should've been more supportive of the decisions you have made...but I look back..and I haven't been supportive at all... I've been a freak...and I am sorry..... so...I do forgive you...but in return.,...I hope that in time, you can forgive me also.... I mean,.....come on...your like my big brother...and you ROCK!
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awwwwwwww!!! how cute!!!!!!!!
sorry about the whole diary thing... I thought that it was public... hmmmm... i dunno. I dont know really what to say but maybe thank you... Ive really been odd these past couple weeks, I just got the impression that I was being really rude to you... anyways... I will see you in a few mins, bye!