I like, they pounce

Feeling: resentful
*sigh* It's over, once and for all. Over. For real this time. And it disturbs me how "ok" I am with this. I wish I felt worse, but I feel relieved, and like a huge rock/boulder/monsterous thing has been lifted from my trapz. Work was alright. I rotated by cool people. The weather was relaxed. I saw Lexi! I haven't seen that girl forever.She wrote me a poem. And on top of all that I got to stay at chair #16 for about 2 1/2 hours. It was nice. Nice and comfortable. After work M and I played around. Went down the slides, pretended to drown in from of Mel, and went of the diving boards a number of times. Good fun. I drove home, windows down for the purpose of air-drying my hair. Um, that worked. Then I got home, washed up and got all girlified and pretty. M and I drove down to matt's. Uh, he wasn't there, so we drove to wade's and 'round the corner of the house comes wado potatoe, matt baby, and ryan...uh..shryan. We walked up to Mack Park and played with sam and chopper. Later, rented a movie (Fight Club), then headed up the street to watch some really cool illegal fireworks. Very cool. He smelled good. But it doesn't matter, by tomorrow he'll be somebody else's. And he'll probably stink.
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