sometime, along the way

Feeling: pmsy
My eyebrows itch. Man, life is random. So, for some reason....I've been thinking about wierd things. Well, they seem wierd to me because I haven't watched a chick flick in forever, and well, haven't really had a good relationship with anyone for a long time. So, that's why it's wierd that I'm thinking about wierd stuff. Things I Want: -a cute boy who brushes the stray black hair out of my face/eyes and pushes it behind my small ears when it's windy. -a cute boy who will dance with me in the middle of a field (or anywhere else random ie. parking lot, intersection, bowling alley, etc.) even if there's no music, and unknown people staring at us. -a cute boy who will sing with me along to the radio, who makes up corny but loveable poems at random, or who drives up to my house, knocks on my door, and when I answer it, attacks me with water balloons or shaving cream. -a cute boy that will take me (without my asking) to see a full-fledged chick flick, and be cute about it, and maybe even enjoy it. -a cute boy that when I'm not having the best day of my life will breathe "you're beautiful" into my ear. -a cute boy, who if HE'S not having a good day, will have enough trust to come and talk to me about what's bothering him. A cute boy that will tell me his fears, his likes, dislikes, feelings and opinions. Everything. -a cute boy who loves to take walks around the town in the afternoon, play in a park at dusk, and take long drive up the canyon around sunrise/sunset. Yeah...... ......maybe one day.
Read 7 comments
guido isn't that?
what's the deal with the guido anyway?
i'm so confused.

eek i can't wait to get my paycheque.
sounds like the perfect guy. Also sounds a lot like guido...
fireworks? and i wasn't invited? sob.


I guess i know what you mean. I don't think i could get very close to a boy who's that more experienced than I am. I've done regretful things in my past but nothing as drastic as that.

I know, it must be really difficult. I think you should probably try to move doesn't sound like he's interested, and if he was he probably wouldn't be satisfied with... far you'd be willing to go. Even if you gave him everything else. I don't know. Maybe he'll regret it in the future, or learn from it, but maybe not and maybe the girl is pregnant.

there are, um..plenty, here. yeah. *shifty eyes*

heh. i love you chelsea. Im sorry.
It hurts sometimes. being in love. ew.
hey. i just wanted to say that i was so pissed off and when i read this entry i was immediatly in a better mood because just the thought of some guy like that out there makes me feel 50% better. awesome entry
I was talking to her about you because I thought that you were mad at us/me. Since i'm not too fond of you being mad at me, I was wondering if you were still mad and if you were, I was curious if she knew why. I wasn't saying crap about you. You know that.