these last long days

Feeling: unstable
*sigh* .w.o.w. These last 2 days have been..... ......interesting to say the least. The secret is now out and I'm recieving crap for it. I guess life will go on, but I swear if Coach or any other insignificant human keeps on bugging me about it I might just spin around and introduce them to my fist. I would to. And I would enjoy it immensily. (sp?) I gave my speech on "Plant Cloning" today in pretty much went like this: "So, plant cloning is good because we can produce plants at a faster rate, but bad because it messes up the natural process of things." An "F" Speech. *shrugs* My teacher can stick it. Snow is still tumbling down, hopefully this will result in a snow day tomorrow. *crosses fingers* Strolling down the hall with Brady towards my car I almost stretched out my fingers and grabbed his hand. I was so freaking close..but then he put that hand in his pocket. stupid boy. Perhaps t.o.m.o.r.r.o.w. Practice=sweet! At the beginning of practice.we voted for captains. We find out who they are at the banquet in March. Anxiety kills. Coach released us early because of the weather. So we did our 3 lactates then headed home. I wish she hadn't done that. I came home sat in my room listening to music and playing endless games of solitair. -great game by the way- pretty boring. zzzz. Wade still owes me 25 bucks.
Read 4 comments
what lies are you sick of?

Greenday is fucken awesome :D everyone loves them they are going to the top i love it hah. snow :D its snowing here too im really hoping for a snow day tomorrow .. i need one a day away from my school is a good day ughh* i hate them lol :x
+stay cool+

♥ Megan
thank you. i like yours as well. the top left pic is a beauty. you are so lucky you're getting snow. ours is just rain...and rain...and more rain...but we got a 2 hour delay cuz of flooding the other day so that was cool. haha
Thanks-- Yours is very cool too.

♥ Jenna