the plastic 'cup' phone call

Feeling: happy
*sighs* Things with Guido are ok. We can still speak honestly with each other. And we still love each other. He called today. We reminised (sp?) about the time when we took plastic cups and tied a string between them and made a 'phone'. It was late in the afternoon when everything seems to glisten and we laid out on the warm green grass. We were maybe like...what? 2 feet apart because we ran out of string. It was still cool though. He said he was calling from France. I said I was in New York. good times. We discussed our decisions and everything feels excellent. Early this evening I drove/coasted down the hill to Aimes house to 'study'. Yeah, that sure didn't happen. I enjoy conversing with her. She has really good incite/advice and it's never boring when we talk. It's cool. She's awesome. I love ya aimes! Um. ACT testing coming up. Anyone can guess that I'm not particularly excited about it. Better to get it over with then drag it out. That's what I think anyways. It was such a nice day today, and I was in the pool, swimming. I missed out!!! Tomorrow.....hopefully. Pracitce was really good though. To start out Yolanda told us how she was jogging along the other morning and how this duck randomly starts chasing her down the road. So funny. Especially her facial expressions. After that: We worked on backstroke, my worst stroke. By the end of practice I felt like an expert. Yolanda has that affect and it's fantastic. Jen and I talked about caves, 2+2 equaling 7, the muskrat family under the pool tarp, playing pranks on B.A., and dating. Today has been awesome, and my dog is snuggling into my feet. Oh...he wants to go to sleep.
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i don't think i've ever made a string cup phone thingy. does it work? now i'm tempted to go make one, lol. well anyways, have a swell day.