
Feeling: funky
grass Philly black and orange intellectual " can explain" The pounding on the roof of my house was what gently awakened me this morning. I blurrily glanced at the clock which read 7:59 a.m. Ahh... I slept through 1st hour comfortably. It was nice. After getting ready for the day, I drove down to school, ended up parking on the road and then headed towards 2nd hour. Spirit World. The rest of the day was kinda wierd, I'm not sure if it was because I was sick..but..I started to notice lots of things. Lots of random things. Like how no one looks at you directly when you're walking down the halls. How people seem to say "erm" "uh" and "what?" more then normal words like "the" "and" and other things. *shrugs* Damien called. So did Jase and Stewart. Damien: "Is this Chels?" me: "um...yyeesss" D : "So um, I'm calling you." me: "Yeah? I kinda noticed that." D: "oh..oh good, cuz..I was kinda worried" me: "no need to worry,, I'm guessing you called for a reason?" D: "No, actually I just call people for no reason at all, it's kinda an interesting concept, a days, it's always for a reason. No one calls just because they can." me: "true true" D: "ok ok, I lied, I called for a reason" me : "I knew it!" Long story short, he wants to go on a date Fri. Jase: Well, he wanted me to help him with his math assignment, and wants to hang sometime. Stewart: Yeah, haven't talked to this kid for about a year now. I guess he thinks we should go play lazor tag down in Salt Lake or something. Man, I'm going to have a full weekend.
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you're a babe! everyone wants you! i get envious about it. i don't even know the last time I went on a date.

That does sound like a full weekend....but fun!!! you'll have to tell me about it...:)