it kills me now

Feeling: explosive
There is no way in the world that anyone could be having a better UEA weekend that I am right now. Camping Shows Movies Longboarding Long naps in the sun Good tinfoil dinners More Camping Hiking Throwing chairs off huge rocks on top of mountains Practices [one] Man, it's been awesome. I wanna go longboarding again. Except I'm sure that people like veeder and bradey get frustrated because I'm not nearly as good as them. I'm glad they're patient though. Em taught me how to crouch and foot break and we practiced on D.H. hill. He drove by and we chit chatted for awhile. Then we moved onto a bigger hill. I almost freaked out and jumped off because the speed wobbles were kinda scary. It was cool though, I made it down, I wanna go again. Woo! Party.
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