Feeling: active
The website is almost finished! _________________________________ "Explain" "Well he's just not the same, bored, tired, time wasting, upset" "So what would you suggest?" "I can't make your choices for you, I just thought you should see the other side" "Thanks for the enlightenment" "Sorry, I must sound like a jerk" "No, you just sound 17" "Oh... I AM 17" "Did I say that out loud?" "Yeah" "..Oh" You know it just never fails to appall me how many psycho's I've met and continue to meet along my merry little way. Do I have a sign on my forehead that says "Auditions for Psychotic Boyfriends Being Held All Year Long?" It's called a "break up". Which means that we broke up. I'm no longer with you, and you ARE NOT with me. I told you the truth, that I wasn't feeling it anymore. That I didn't want to do the long distance thing. That I had feeling for someone else and it was time for things to end. I did to you, what I would expect from you. Appreciate my honesty. Don't hate it. I went on my way- I just didn't want to hold back anymore. I'm with someone else now. Yeah we can stay friends. I'd like that. So why the (INSERT PROFANITY HERE)are you involving your younger brothers and sisters when it's NONE of their business. Don't tell your brothers and sisters to badger me- that's stupid. Are you serious? What kind of game is that? It doesn't make me feel guilty about leaving you- it flat out pisses me off. Son of a ... You're so 19.
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