15 foot drop off

Feeling: chipper
Snowboarding today. One simple word. Untainted. Priceless conditions. The snow was powdery and shining white making the mountain look majestic and slightly mystical. It was unimaginable. I didn't even mind the fact that it snowed the entire time we were up there and I forgot to grab my goggles before I left. It was incredible anyways. I got so many runs in. And I only fell off the lift 4 times, which....is actually a significant number...for me anyways. I don't know. If I'm going single then I'm fine but if I'm on the lift with another snowboarder or skiier I get all skittish and anxious and for some strange reason that makes me biff it. Meh. It was still excellent. We almost got caught. We saw coach but then vanished into the trees. It was close but honestly, if we would have been caught I probably would have snickered and said "screw you" because it was all worth it times 1,000,000,000. All the soreness and stiffness of muscles that I'm going to feel tomorrow...wow. It won't even matter because it's probably the 21st greatest day I've ever had in my entire life. It was remarkable. I love that sound that the snow makes against my just waxed board. It was so fast. I can't even explain how...splendid it was. The cat walk sucked. Kinda. Brock and I never got enough momentum to get through the uphill parts so we had a grand time trying to board, up hill, on this packed down icy run. It was immense I fell on my butt often and probably have a bruise, but once again. It doesn't even matter. We all had a great time. Matt plowed into a tree. Bradey dropped and then later lost his poles. And we misplaced people every now and then but meh! I honestly feel bad for all those that missed out and am most likely going to attack them and force them to come next time because it's something that everyone should experience, even if it is cutting cold, even if your terror-stricken of heights, even if you honestly have no avidity to do it at all. It's good for your soul. I loved it. Even seeing G on the Triple Diamond didn't bother me because..alright...I'll admit it...I was simply having way too much fun to even care about that silly kid. Hm. Unreal.
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Your day sounds great. I'm glad you're so happy

I'll definately come next time.

oh, and i need decision making skills in general
