watch your back world!

Listening to: Britney-Overprotected
Feeling: confident
Weeeeee!!! Who would have guessed that my whole personality could have changed so drastically in 6 months? I remember when I was so shy and so timid that jokes could make me nervous. I feel bad though. I made the team do a hundred push-ups. I could not stop talking..and then when it came time to actually accomplish those push-up, me and my best friend stood behind Coach and made funny faces at her....She just couldn't figure out why the team was laughing so hard. It was fun! Who knew that breaking the rules and being naughty can be stimulating. She looked around and caught us dang it!...she said "Chels I remember when you wouldn't talk to anyone, and now your making everyone laugh". It was a compliment. I love you!, Thank you for making me a gallon of homemade apple juice and promising to make me a bright green beanie! Ber and Brock got in a Mike Tyson fight over Mrs.Given, it was funny when Brock bit her, even though she bit him back harder and made him have a red mark!. Go Ber!..and Brock! guys are cool! Swimming was so cool. All my friends swim in my lane!. The whole team are my understand! It was me, best friend, Peter, Mike, Ber, Dan...YAY!. Today was just fun, everyone hyper, no one really listening, making Coach get a little angry..but then watching her laugh about everything as well. I taught Nicole a little about beat-boxing today...I'm a good teacher. She sounded really good. Now we have to start to add the actual music and things. We have the bass and main sounds down great! I've come up with 3 significant things that I loved about today: 1. Glued quarters stuck to the ground 2. Seeing someone getting sprayed by the broken water fountain 3. Josh singing a funny song about Ms. Dittmer ...You are so beautiful... I beat Chris at the "hi!" game! The first time in about a month....I went to go and buy a SuperFan t-shirt at the Student Center so I could be a loser and wear it to all the football games this year!. School spirit makes school fun! Unfortunatley....the were CLOSED!....when does that ever happen? Oh! I know!, when Chelsea wants to buy a lame t-shirt!....thanx guys....thanx a lot! *sigh* I wish you could be me!
Read 1 comments
yay!!! chel's becoming a slacker. i'm so excited! jk.

but you have to admit, it is fun.

good to hear that you're not as shy anymore and that you had a super day. i love when people have those.