+-+Death by Ballpoint Pen+-+

Listening to: Van Halen-Right Now
Feeling: smiley
Well. I'm super stressed becuz of this stupid docudrama stuffies. I have to memorize randi's lines. and I have to memorize Leannes lines. and I still need to record MY DOCUDRAMA! GAH! I can do it though.... I have faith in myself and my acters. I just need to keep on track. yes... Tommorow is my date with Ryan. (yay!) -excited-almost positive I'll make a complete ass of myself-for christs sake girl! it's only a movie-oh but you dont know me very well do you computer! MURPHY'S LAW! -what ever can go wrong WILL go wrong. this year has started alright. must stick to my golden resolution: keep away from YL. I'm getting nervous and excited for the production this year..... Not sure if I'm ready to sing in front of a bunch of people i dont know... but i guess i need to. faith and all that bull. please excuse me while i itch my elbow i cant believe i was stupid enough to let ryan read this stuff. !!! . I had an entry where i was raving about him. sick sick sick. oh well. i stopped myself from throwing myself down the stairs. so I'm good. -I'm off and about. -Luv ya -Candy
Read 3 comments
I'm shur that u wil do fine in the play and your docudrama, just imagine everyone naked. As 4 your date it wil be fun, if u make it fun ;)Wolfe
Awe. I hope your date goes well and not too much goes wrong.