Here we go

Auditions today for directing. I dont know who will get it. Probably either randi or I, as we have the most experience. Randi has a way with organization, I have a way with people. We're both insane to boot, so it would make a good combination to have us both co-directing together. Looked through the photos of 'You have the right to remain dead' for some ideas for cinderella. Cinders house and The Castle mostly. Max got hurt today, possibly fell out of a tree, most of his nails are ripped out and he's in shock... still. Ryan and i are the same. Arguing as usual. Much love to my ryan. havent talked to Crystal in the longest time. But I'll see her tommorow night at Megans thingy. Then again. if she really missed me, you'd think she'd call. Talking to Adam right now on MSN. I miss him so much. I still have his hat. he still has part of me with him too. man. that kids got it all. All this talk of INS and OUTS. i dont know what i'm doing anymore. When I said I'd had enough, thats when you said you want some more.
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believe me i would call yah if i had the time. and right now i had the time but i think your dad would kill me. and when i also have the time your at school go figure eh kiddo. Ill try to drop by when im not working, which is never!!! hahah! ah i suckkky. anyways, email me and ill try to drop by for an hour or two after school if you guys are having drama meetings. mhhhhhhh i could always come in one of your classes no one would know!
didnt have enough room for this: puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!! puppy~!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cries* i must see puppy~!!!! *sniff*
candycaine? Candycaine?
hi candies, i was just looking at peoples things and I found your. I love you back round, its really neat-o.