Close Your Eyes

Whats happened since I last wrote... Hm.. lets start with: June 25: Went to the grad dinner and dance with my ryan. i had so much fun. I danced the whole night. and i didnt care if i looked silly, or if i didnt dance right, or if my hair was out of place. I HAD FUN. And ryan danced with me for all the slow songs. and i almost cried. I'm a sap. I love it. When the pictures get developed I'll put them on here. (oh yes, i'm living at wendy's now, 6 cats for christs sake! AH! While the other house if getting redone, we're living here til the end of september) June 26? DADS WEDDING! yes, my father got married. I danced the night away for the second time in two days. lol. GREAT FUN! i cant believe he's married again. And this time to somebody i love dearly. Lets think,.... i was staying at grammies for the week of their hunny moon. And on Canada day (yesterday) I went to the meeting at Kyles for the camping trip (:D I'm excited. Nikki assured me that i'm not invited because of ryan:D ) And then that night I went to the forks with ryan, nix, kyle and shane and watch the fire works. smoked some. walked some. it was cool. I need some space, especialy from you Maybe I shouldnt think so much. Yesterday i watched the crowd instead of the fireworks. It was astounding. the silence, the beauty. the color reflecting off water, off faces. Poetic. And today. when i was mad at ryan, i just watched him shyly take my hand in his. and i couldnt believe how amazing it is. the contrast in our hands, in how strong his are, and how small and weak mine are. protecting. And i couldnt bring myself to pull my hand away. life is confusing and it can bite me bite me hard -Candise
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something corporate is amazing. i like ur header!! its a great song!!
who is your favorite pair of celebrity sister?
the simpsons
the duffs
teh olsens
the hiltons
leave me a comment on your favorite and your name its for my website
go to my website and look at the potm ( picture of the month) adn comment to me on what you think about it my site is
