
it seems site diary works in the mornings... but not at night. Hm. alls well though. I came home sick yesterday... my ribs were killing me. Ryan came by at 11 30 (am), and ended up skiping the rest of his classes to tend to me. he's amazing. nobodies ever treated me as he does. Truth be told. I'm terrified I'm going to scare him away. Cuz you know... i kinda feel i may come on a bit to hard sometimes. And i'm very goofy sometimes too... He says he likes the fact that I make him laugh. But still... scared. Oh well. I know i shouldnt be. He would let me know if something were wrong. I need to go to school though All my love -Candise
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your entry makes me happy. it's okay to be a little scared. how much fun would it be if there were no risk involved? congratulations.
yeah I notice this diary doesn't work at night either.
Ryan sounds like a keeper!