just tell me it's okay to die.

Feeling: alienated
So today was the absolute boringest day of my fucking life. How do they expect us to do well on our stupid speeches when my brain turns off after like the 3rd person? Whatever. And Emily won. Her and I were so competitive in elementary school. But I won the election thingy. Haha. ok anyway...so when your mom calls you a bitch and stuff like 3 times in a row...you'd probably get even MORE pissed off right? yea. well she didn't understand that. dude. i'm such a fucking slacker now and I really don't care about school or band or anything and I just want to sleep. Right now. And then rip some people's heads off. Fucking losers. And finding out that this guy you liked awhile ago who said he would ask you out and never did asked one of your best friends out 2 days ago doesn't make me feel that great either. I swear. Next year will be different. I won't be so dependent on her. I won't be stuck with her all day. I will have my OWN life. I won't just be a fucking sidedish on her table of fucking life. haha. ***elementary school play*** and whats so funny is that she used to think she was the sidedish...although I always knew it wasn't true. Conor= :) John= My friend now! Christopher= warm Andy-roo= adorable...in his own special way Ace= total awesomeness Carrick= wish he'd have been my judge jake= want to fucking rip his fucking head off josh= same as above I guess but not so violently Dwight= haha. it's dwight. stuart= rocky horror picture show matt= really ultra cool to talk to michael= funny little fucker and i'm too lazy to think of other people but anywayyyy....i think.....i don't know. next week is finals. oh joy. but i only have 2. geometry honors and biology, my worst 2 classes. well on tests at least. omg my mom just came in here and she thinks something's really wrong and i don't know if there really is...i think it's just everything all catching up to me again. i need out of this.
Read 3 comments
i have 4 finals. art geometry biology and health. art'll be a breeze. i just have to finish my self portrait....ya, w/e.
yes, andrew is adorable in his own special way..you nkow that story...
later days...
i just noticed the quote on the top of the page. ur right. it is a great song. fun stuff.
later days...
shannon and i looked up stuff about oujia before we did it (it wasnt our first time, but we were making the board, so yea).. it said you arent supposed to ask for a sign, because ya know, sometimes bad things happen. it also says not to ask how they died. its crazyyy. it was so scary! yet cool at the same time. i kept looking at shannon and she would be like looking down with her hair in her face and i got scared that she got possessed. roflmao.