and so another week goes by where i don't update.
on monday i think...i went to best buy. bought from first to last (YUMM!), anberlin & the rocky horror picture show.
on tuesday i had an audition & it fucking drove me insane.
hmm...well. i was sylvia plath...on a day i can't remember. like wednesday i think.
on thursday i hung out with keshara & becca (2 really awesome people!) after school & we walked to my house & then buena where i hung out with marissa & skylar. and brooke & justine were there. then skylar and i went to mcdonalds. mmhmm. yuck.

on friday...i don't remember school but after that i went to marissa's house until tara picked us up to go to the harbor where we went to the harbor hatter and bought awesome sunglasses:

we had
wonderful sushi!!!!! oh my god it was to die for.
we played ddr & embarassed ourselves because we really can't play.
then skylar came & marissa left & him, me & tara walked to the beach. it was so much fun, but i ditched them and just sat in the sand. then we joined again & went in the water & it was a lot of fun.
tara came over (i didn't allow skylar to) and we danced and sang to old from the 90s. lol.
on saturday my mom & i went to k-mart & this guy said i looked like elton john with my glasses.
then we went to salzer's & i bought my bloody valentine, the beautiful mistake, bangs & weezer. i love salzer's. they're really friendly in there.
i got a new bra! it's pink and cute & alex & shaun don't like it. haha.
then we went to chipotle after returning the rented video. dude it was my first time there and it was like woah. yum to the max. (i'm such a loser)
then i came home & put some of my new cds onto my ipod and went to tara's. (I always go to tara's on saturday nights.)
it was so much fun.
amanda wasn't there tho. :(
i almost kicked the shit out of tara's brother (alex) and his friend (shaun) because they were being so fucking stupid.
but we danced in the garage & had a rave to ATC and umm...dude it was just a lot of fun. we were going insane.
then skylar came & brought my birthday present. haha. he got me a vibrator!!! i don't think i will ever let my mom see's glow in the dark...and it's HUGE!

he also got me the boa & this shot glass thing. lol.
we sat and talked about how to insert female condoms & how amanda's going to get tss since she uses deodorized tampons and yeah. then skylar left.
we were all really tired.
so we went into the kitchen and raided the pantry & then we went upstairs and threw a whole bunch of blankets on the floor & just curled up and laughed and talked and stuff.
it was cool.
we went to sleep around like 1 and my throat hurt sooo bad. still does.
and umm...we woke up and raided the pantry again. and then marissa left & i left later and now i need to study for this huge biology test & take a shower and go to sbys & ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!
The whole vibrator thing reminds me of a show, Talk Sex With Sue? Ever seen it?
If not there's this one with the top 10 sex toys and one of them was a glow in the dark vibrator.
They said it was glow in the dark so it didnt get lost in the tangle of sheets.
Just thought i'd share :)
even though im really not a pink person, i love those glasses.
by the way, i think your really cool too.