100 q's & a's

Feeling: bizarre
.001.] name: lauren .002.] age: 14 .003.] birthday: April 12, 1990 .004.] zodiac sign: aries .005.] height: 5'5 .006.] weight: like 110 .007.] status: single thank god .008.] city you live in: ventura .009.] Car: i have a car i want...i just forgot at the moment .010.] school you attend: Foothill Tech...i fucking want OUT [.favorite.] .011.] food: au gratin!!! or thai chicken pizza from california pizza kitchen .012.] non-alcoholic drink: snapple .013.] alcoholic drink: MINT LIQUOR!!! WHOO! lol...maybe i'm not too sure .014.] ice cream flavor: chocolate w/cookie dough from cold stone's .015.] color: green .016.] tv show: hmm...simpsons? my so called life? idunno .017.] movie: either donnie darko or labyrinth or phantom of the opera .018.] singer/band: the dresden dolls i guess .019.] song: "the no seatbelt song" brand new .020.] word/phrase: ... [.the last person.] .021.] you talked to: in person? my mom...online? christopher .022.] you called: my mom .023.] you saw: my mom .024.] you hugged: marissa .025.] you kissed: marissa on the cheek to persuade her! it didn't work tho...so i tempted her with sex... .026.] you had sex with: nobody .027.] you HAD a crush on: uhhh...scene boy .028.] you did something nice for : nobody...except i gave people gum today .029.] you dreamt about: amanda was in a dream w/me, my parents, my dogs, my aunt and all my relatives in oklahoma...it was weird .030.] you hung-out with: amanda and marissa [.have you ever.] .031.] lied to your parents: all the fucking time .032.] stolen something: sorta .033.] had sex in a car: nope! .034.] kissed the same sex: yeah .035.] masturbated: ... .036.] cheated on a test: i've looked at other people's but not like hardcore cheating .037.] thought you were gay: no...bi, yes...gay, no .038.] drank alcohol: yea .039.] done drugs: no .040.] smoked anything: nope [.the last thing.] .041.] you ate: steak and uh...stuff .042.] you drank: gatorade .043.] you bought for yourself: clothes... .045.] you cooked: thai chicken pizza .046.] you made: a collage! .047.] you worried about: the audition tomorrow which i don't think i'm gonna do .048.] you cried about: i didn't have a real reason...it was just everything building up .049.] you were happy about: nothing .050.] you shared with someone: pizza [.numbers.] .051.] shoe size: 8-9 .052.] waist size: dude...like 24 .053.] lucky number: 42 .054.] number of piercings: 2 on each ear .055.] number of tattoos: haha my mom and i were just talkin bout that! none. unfortunately .056.] boys/girls you have kissed: 3 boys, many girls .057.] bfs/gfs you have had: idunno...some of them i don't know whether to classify as real boyfriends .058.] jobs you have had: like none .059.] people you consider “real friends”: like 3 .060.] boys/girls you had sex with: 0 [.do you believe in.] .061.] the boogie man: nope .062.] monsters in the closet: nope .063.] monsters under your bed: only in the nightmare before christmas .064.] evolution: umm...never thought about it .065.] reincarnation: i don't know. .066.] love at first sight: no .067.] aliens in outerspace: not really .068.] ghosts: yea .069.] curses: no .070.] yourself: NO. i would believe in the fucking tooth fairy before i believed in myself [.would you.] .071.] rob a bank: nope...prolly not .072.] drink a bottle of tequila: umm...well i've drank (drunk? whatever) tequila before and i like it but i don't know if i could handle a whole bottle....let's just say YES .073.] kiss someone of the same sex: already have .074.] have sex with a goat: HAHAHAHA no .075.] date your teacher: nope .076.] flash a stranger: yea .077.] date your best friend: if he was a boy .078.] bungee jump off the statue of liberty: if i was committing suicide, it sounds like a plan .079.] skinny dip in public: ...wtf? like in a public pool? nah .080.] eat cow balls: uhh...no [.at this moment.] .081.] what are you eating: nothing...but now i'm hungry .082.] what are you drinking: gatorade .083.] what are you wearing: pajamas and stuff .084.] what are you listening to: green day .085.] what are you thinking about: oh shit i gotta study .086.] what do you smell like: me .087.] what does your hair look like: CARAZAY. .088.] where are you at: my room .089.] what time is it: 9:29 .090.] what is the weather like: it's raining!!!!!!!!!! [.this or that.] .091.] the beach or the mountains: beach .092.] pepsi or coke: coke .093.] having no arms or having no legs: no legs .094.] stereo or tv: stereo .095.] mom or dad: that is so mean. .096.] money or happiness: happiness .097.] car or motorcycle: car bc i fucking hate motorcycles, you can ask for the story if ya really wanna know .098.] one good friend or several companions: one good friend .099.] shoes or sandals: shoes...i hate my fucking feet .100.] mustard or ketchup: ketchup...haha rissa and i were just discussing me and ketchup
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