he's adorable.

Feeling: active
Ok I'm sick of the feeling sorry for myself shit. And I don't think I was right. He's not like I thought he might be. He is the sweetest guy ever. Even if he is a lot shorter than me. Its really cool. My blinds are all movin around & everything just feels so perfect right now. I don't know why. It;s hot and not raining and terrible weather (to me) but everything seems like it's in its place. Today was good. Not anything really interesting in school...and I absolutely hated break. But everything was OK. And then after school I walked home w/my shoes off. It was fun. But I think it made me walk slower. And then Amanda came over and we went to pick up marissa. she had an ortho appointment. so we went in search of a pen/pencil to write a birthday note to katie (ended up calling tara for her locker combo) and put it on her locker. Saw her after school and hugged and stuff. Then tara came. I saw him. We were so close. But I couldn't say hi. I don't know why. Not with everyone there. It just wasn't right. So I tried drawing attention to myself (but i think i really was hyper anyway cuz i had 2 midol earlier...that stuff makes me crazy) by being obnoxiously loud and jumping on everyone for piggyback rides. which was quite fun. and then i followed ppl to the band room. decided i wanted to talk to him, left, and couldn't find him. so i kept walking. and got pretty far. then tara and amanda told me we were gonna drop tara off at the stadium. so we did. & then we walked. To vons. and bought 2 pints of ben & jerry's ice cream & an assortment of plastic silverware. everything was on sale. so it was cheap. and it was so great. we went to talk to vince & trizzeat & all the guys over there thought we were fatties w/our pints of ice cream. either that or they were just checkin us out. I'm thinkin it's what i first said. then again, amanda was wearing a skirt. so here: I'm the fatty, they check her out. yeah. that's how it usually goes. then we just sat on the grass eating our ice cream & watching these weird people. it was interesting. lots of funny sayings. don't remember any. then we came here & i used my mad photoshop skillz on amanda's pics. fun fun.
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ben and jerrys is good stuff.