wheeeee~! isnt he cute?! heehee! im gonna name him...bellman! lol.
i adopted another fetus!
I adopted a cute lil' monkey fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
dave named him for me. his name is shoo shoo poo poo head. lol. think its japanese? lol
i got an email from martin today :D he said his comp. ish broken. ya know, it seems like everyone has cruddy comps. everyone's always havin ta restart 'em...mines bein good fer now :P lol.
i was talkin ta arion. and i told bout the things ive adopted. and he said "adopt me!" so i did :) lol. hes meh son! :D lol. i cant figure out how ta get the pic on here though. it wunt let me ;_;
in about 3 hours, im goin ta a discpleship class at meh youth minister's house :) so, i'll write more laters :)
hehe ^^ ketchup is good with tater tots though :P
and cool. :D me knife has a nailfile in it too.. but I use that to sand some things (like me pencil sometimes) lol
and okie. ^^ yay! that's good. :D
me computer is doing good now too. :D me dad called and fixed it all up. ^^
:O cool!! hehe 'ya can take pics of the squirrels and 'ya and martin's wedding :P hehe
and thankies. ^^ me day was weird :P
:O 'ye got a blob adopted thingy :P *pokes it*... and a japanese monkey featus(sp?). xD lol