well.. this certainly sucks...
i know why guys think we're confusing.. lol. cause they take what we say and twist it around into something else.
duckymonkey1 (11:00:09 PM): can i ask ya somethin?
jeremy (11:01:00 PM): anything
duckymonkey1 (11:01:21 PM): have you ever dreamt up "the perfect girl"?
jeremy (11:01:29 PM): kinda why?
duckymonkey1 (11:01:35 PM): jus curious..
jeremy (11:01:49 PM): no seriously, why?
jeremy (11:01:52 PM): I"m interested?
duckymonkey1 (11:02:03 PM): cause.. a long time ago, i dreamt up that perfect guy,,,
duckymonkey1 (11:02:05 PM): ..*
jeremy (11:02:11 PM): and...
duckymonkey1 (11:02:12 PM): but.. i think i met him..
duckymonkey1 (11:02:28 PM): but.. for some reason.. i dont feel the for him like i thought i would..
jeremy (11:02:42 PM): i c
duckymonkey1 (11:02:45 PM): i mean, i know it wouldnt be like "bam" and i feel that way so suddenly..
jeremy (11:02:45 PM): who is it
duckymonkey1 (11:03:09 PM): umm..
duckymonkey1 (11:03:11 PM): well o.o
jeremy (11:03:15 PM): couldn't be me
jeremy (11:03:49 PM): I havent' talked to you a lot or known you for long
jeremy (11:03:54 PM): who is it
duckymonkey1 (11:04:01 PM): maybe i'm wrong, and i havnt found him.. but.. *shrugs*
jeremy (11:04:07 PM): who is it
duckymonkey1 (11:04:07 PM): i dunno if i wanna say
jeremy (11:04:22 PM): plz
duckymonkey1 (11:04:33 PM): you'll think i'm insane or somethin
jeremy (11:04:39 PM): nope
jeremy (11:04:41 PM): try me
jeremy (11:04:50 PM): ur my friend no matter what!
duckymonkey1 (11:04:58 PM): k.. well..
duckymonkey1 (11:05:06 PM): you...
jeremy (11:05:13 PM): really?
jeremy (11:05:14 PM): why
duckymonkey1 (11:05:23 PM): cause like.. you seem to match everything i had thought i wanted..
duckymonkey1 (11:05:33 PM): so far atleast
jeremy (11:05:39 PM): i c
duckymonkey1 (11:06:06 PM): but.. i still hafta get to know ya more ^^
jeremy (11:06:14 PM): definately
does that look like i said i wanted to go out with him? :|
anyhow.. i talked drew tonight.. cause shayna was on the stinken phone.. AGAIN! lol. but it was cool :D he burped so loud *_* talk about love ♥ lol.. j.k :P
anyhow.. bye! ♥
Good thing you've got a job. :P
It's too bad he went and twisted it around.
but what could you expect? boys will be boys. ;|