
Feeling: happy
We got a treadmill. It;s right next to me now because my parents decided to put it in the computer room. I can poke it. *poke* I've been using it every day since we've gotten it (which has been 4 days) I make sure to go on it for atleast 30 minutes. I also make sure to burn atleast 60 grams of fat and 200 calories evertime I go on it. It shows you all that on there, it's awesome. I also make sure to go atleast a mile on it. My legs hurt. I fell over on it yesterday while it was moving and got some of the skin ripped off of my knee, fun. Well, everyone had better wish me luck with the treadmill. I'll need it. :P
Read 10 comments
im glad your friend listened to you :) you dont need to be dragged down by that kind of people.

youre awesomer ;) lol, and my summers going ok i guess...only been out for a week tho, lol. how bout yours?
GOOD LUCK !!!! with the treadmill

( lol,maybe it got you back from pokin it)
good luck with the treadmill ;) lol.
Thank you very much!

Are you friends with Kelly?

ROFL!!! Good luck! :P

I for one, hated being a freshman SO much. Especially at first. But it got better. And really, I hate everything, so... I don't even count. :P
ahhhhhhhh, manson, my favorite!
ty! i made it myself.
Hey, thanks for the comment on my diary, yours is pretty cool as well. But the whole Manson thing scares me, no offense or anything.
I just realized you were listening to hallback girl. that song is so addictive!! *shakes fist*

Annnd nope, I didn't get bet up or made fun of. Well, not that I know of anyway, but I probably did. :P

&&& because I forgot this:

YESSS, I'm going to Warped Tour. Wooooooh. :D 27 days!