Sick Bastard!!

Feeling: placid
Vale is a sick bastard!! Motherfucker didn't think that I was going to tell Mikey that he planned on having him jumped and killed! I've been telling Mikey every time that he's mentioned getting Mikey hurt!! I guess that he doesn't realize that when he made me swear on my life that I don't value my life as much as my friends lives. He didn't think that I was going to tell Rebecca all the shit about her either. All of the shit he said is just disgusting. I don't even want to talk about it. After all the times he's treated me like shit that he made me feel fucked up he expects me to just talk to him and keep all his sick as secrets. Did he think that I was going to be on his side over Rebecca's? It's a good fucking thing he moved away now!n He's been calling me non stop! He called me about 40 times yesterday and left 5 sick voice mails! He's a fucked up sick bastartd. When Rebecca was having a hard time with Mikey and Vale I was on Mikey's side the whole time. I just had to talk to Vale to get information about the time and place and everything else about him killing Mikey. Now I am never answering my phone as long as he calls! It's a good thing they were already in the new house when he sent the people to her old one. I'm just happy that Rebecca and Mikey didn't get hurt. I don't even care anymore about me getting hurt, their ok. Now she's away from him and so am I and nobody can get hurt. It's a weight off my shoulders. Hilary loned me Skyscraper Of Oz it is sooooo great. (: I am so close to fucking beating the shit out of Jamel. He's so fucking aggravating you would not believe. I put on black lipstick today for this picture we took today in Art class with these stupid ass car ads we had to make. I need to get better black lipstick. I have to fix the one that I have now all the time. I have something very special planned for Alyssa'a birthday (: I miss Rebecca ): I might go to the mall with Hilary this weekend (: Edit- You can find pictures of me at- and Edit- Oh yeah, we had Thursday and Friday odff as snowdays (: But it wasn't enjoyable because of Vale. He tried to call 3 times today. He won't be forgiven. I thought that my constant stomach aches were from peanut butter, but I was wrong. The only foods I can eat without getting sick is foods that are high in suger and fat. And I'm seriouss. But my parents still won't take me to the doctor. ): Oh god the pains hurt. It's going on 4 monthes now that I've had hem constantly. I'm going to go to bed now. It's 1:21 AM.
Read 10 comments
Easy way to solve problems: kill everyone.

++black lipstick.
So awesome.

I love liprings. Piercings are my favorite.
&pssh, you DEF should put your picture up. Show everyone how hott people get down. ;]

&for the record.. if you come to Canada, you MUST see me. MUSST.
Hi. =]

I started up a icon/html sitdiary, and I'm trying to get the word around.

Hope you'll check it out!
Hi. =]

I started up a icon/html sitdiary, and I'm trying to get the word around.

Hope you'll check it out!
Hi. =]

I started up a icon/html sitdiary, and I'm trying to get the word around.

Hope you'll check it out!
Pshhaw, too awesome. A lip ring on you would be insane hott. ♥
&you have a MySpace!! :D *friending you asap.*

AIM - Sammypoo002
you are a good friend.
Dang, I just wrote a whole entry on how my life right now is shitty, but yours beat mine by a mile...
Yea, I care about my friend's lives more then I do mine...I know that feeling...I have to say, and hate to say, that I'm closer to my friends then I am to my family...Not just any friend, my 2 best friends to be specific...Friends are basically all I have...Good for you that you protected them! Kudos!

Much ♥
Therrre you are missy!!
Where're the updates and such? HMM?

&Steve-o's TATTOO!! :D I actually was going to get that at one point. I decided not to, but who knows... the future might change my mind.

Having the house to myself is MY favorite thing ever. When other people are home, i'm bored.. when i'm home alone.. not. DUNNNO whyy.
cool, my name is Katie too. Wow, you seem to love music. You seem pretty cool too. Can I add you?? btw, is that KT Tunstall in the back??

comment back please~~

spanish... two math and uhm... biology... and social studies... bleh.