Welp Y'all, there are only 11 days left till Christmas, and I couldn't be more excited. Last night, Grant and I watched the Charlie Brown Christmas Special. It was awesome how Linus totally quoted scripture dealing with Jesus' birth!
So Christmas is approaching quickly, which is one of the most important holidays ever! It means so much more than shopping, eating, decorations, no school, music and money. This holiday Christmas is especially made for the birth and saviour of the world, Jesus Christ. He was sent from God to this Earth to save our sins. He was beaten and died on a cross, just for you and me. So, I hope and pray that even though this season may be hectic with our earthly possession, take a time and seek out the TRUE MEANING of Christmas.
I don't even care about Christmas presents anymore. I mean, if my rents want to get me something, that's cool. I am not greedy like I used to be, where I would specificallly tell my rents what all I wanted. I know for a fact that my main present is basically a trip to Denver for CRU. On January 2-7, I am headed to downtown Denver with some pretty cool kids to attend DCC (Denver Christmas Conference). This, I'm hoping, will be an amazing experience for me. It will also be a great boost for me, because once I get back from Denver I am leaving for Florida!
Papers, Papers, Papers...I have to do Papers this weekend...grrrr...