So last night I closed, so I didn't get home till after 1 a.m. Of course I have classes today, so I woke up at 6:30 a.m. grr...I'm soo tired!
I'm totally turning into not a morning person. I think next semester I will have 10 o'clock classes rather than 8 o'clock.
Last night at work, I only made one kitchen sink. No I wasn't in the metal shop slavin' away or anything...at Beaches and Cream, we have this massive 22 buck dessert called the kitchen sink. It's 8 scoops of ice cream, all the toppings in the house, and a whole can of whipped creme. We make a big show out of it by flipping the lights on and off, and clapping...and whatnot. But anyways...last night I was in in-house again making ice cream, and I only made one count that one kitchen sink. It was a miracle! Usually I make like 10 a night! Those babies are a lot of woik too. It worked out great, because I think I was starting to develop carpel tunnel in my right arm and hand. It was super sore...but I'm ok.
I found a flight home! I don't know if I will tell y'all the dates yet..I might just show up! Hehe..but it is in March sometime. If you insist in knowing the dates, I SUPPOSE i'll let you know, but I want to surpise a certain guy back in Harper..hehe..Stace, you know who I'm talking about..hehe...ok yeah!
Gotta go get ready for my next class. BLAH BLAH BLAH..Human Resources schmorces...
In prayer, it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.
--John Bunyan
What's crazier: living and dying for a cause you really believe in, or just running with the rat race until you die?
--The Case for Christ (student version)