Welp it was a good concert. Maybe great. Yeah, we'll go with great. Well, minus the not so close seats, but good seats to say the least. The crowd was good. Minus the drunk guy that danced in the aisles and the crazy purple shirt lady with a black baret that me and Becca made fun of because she was totally dancing by herself all wacky. Plus oh yeah, there was this really really HOT Omaha police officer (M. Matuzu) that checked my bag. He told me that I could have had a camera. I was mad! But it's alright, because I saw John Mayer up close and in personal, and it was a tight concert to say the least.
Man, it's late...I have to finish up a "project" for one of my classes. Tomorrow morning I have to help Grant shave his leg for an exercise testing he has to do. This should be interesting. By the way, I exerted 110 foot pounds of pressure on the isokenic machine today. Dang..that was crazy! Ok well, gotta go!