Last nights sky was unbelievalbly beautiful. I don't think I had ever seen so many stars in my life! Not to mention a meteor shower! I counted around 11 "shootin stars/meteors" whatever you want to call them. This is what college is all aboot. Being spontaneous and fun and just enjoying life. It's amazing to think that God flung those stars up in the sky and made His beauty known while doing so.
Psalms 147:4
He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them.
Alternative Tuesday dinners are also something that helps to relieve that "i'm stuck in the dorm wanna escape mindset," especially now that the food is getting really repetitive and not good...ick...it all tastes the same. So Kels, Stace, and I went to McDonalds 3-in-1. It was pretty good. I'd go back that's for sure.
Today I have somewhat of a busy day. I have to meet with my group one last time tonight, but before that I have to edit the report. I think I'll get some help with Calc. too. I don't know what we are doing right now. It's super confusing.
So Friday's are now "izzle" days.
Today's Wednesday! Woo Hoo. The week is half-way ohva.