I've stopped to think about the many who have served our country today, and I hope you have too. What our service men and women do for us is something we should be greatful for. Both my grandpas were in the service, and they both were in wars. My grandpa (dad's dad) died almost 2 summers ago with lymphoma/leukemia. I think back to the great times I spent with him and my grandma camping and doing other things. It's a sad thought though, because I don't know if he is in heaven or not.
Last night after the 6 p.m. service at FBC we all (singles) went over to Lou's house. We watched this Chris Farley tape from SNL..it was HIGHlarious..talked, ate, hung out..the usual. It was fun though. Good fellowship!
Today FBC had a picnic. It was fun. I got some sun. I'm so dumb..I wore my flip flops right..well I played basketball and tennis..barefoot. Yeah, my feet definitely hurt right now. Ouch!
This week I need to find a job. No doubt about it.