I like the title, because I like the song. Keep on the sunny side of life.
I got some good reading in last night in Leviticus. I was really behind on my Bible reading plan. It's interesting to see how much specifics and rules and laws God wanted from His people. I'm thankful that Christ is my High Priest, and that I am forgiven by His blood.
Valentines Day cards are so cheesy and worldly. I couldn't find one decent card for Grant. Maybe he won't be getting a card...we shall see.
Mom doesn't sound too hot about me doing the MDS study. She told me to call uncle Eric and ask him about it. Eric has done it in the past, and he works for a drug company here in Lincoln. Maybe he can give me some advice. I dunno, I'm willing to give blood and be of time inconvenience for 1,550 bones.
I'm gonna head on over to the Hewit and do some reading before lunch with the gang.
Boy does it feel good to have tests and quizzes out of the way for this week. Woo Hoo!
lots of love in Him,