Well, good thing this thing is back up and woikin'. We thought we were doomed. Well, not really, but I was getting an urge to write some stuff down. So for the past two nights, my roommates and I go to bed really late, and sleep in really late. This is night #2, that I have gone to bed past 3, and have not woken up till past 10:30. Ah well.
Today I have to study like mad. It will be a little stressful, but by noon manana, it will all be history. Ha, well I still have to get my grades back and all, but hopefully in the end, I will have a good B average. Not to bad for your first semester of college!
I took Grant home yesterday (can't drive because of his knee) and then went home to get some boxes and a huuumongous suitcase. Get this..it was originally $275, but I think we got it on sale for about $100. It's a tight suitcase. My profs wolf dog (BIG BAD) could probably fit in it. Anywho, I spent about 2 hours putting things in the suitcase, and a huge Gateway box. My room is lookin' DESOLATE...and NO JUSTIN, Stacey isn't the DESOLATE one, MY ROOM IS! OPEN YOUR EYES! HAHA...he'll never read this anyways.
Can you believe that Christmas is in T Minus 6 Days???? That is soooooo crazy! Ok, well gotta study.
Check Y'all Later!
hmm.. that could be bad.