It feels great to be back home. The sights the sounds, the fat cat, and my room. Ah home sweet home. My brother is in his room right now, playing with some mechanical robotical hand, and my mom is cookin' up some grub. No, no more loudness of the dorms, nasty dorm food, or cold tile floors.
Today I took my chem final, which was o.k. I am not sure how I did, but probably just about the same as all of my other tests. A big fat C. Hey, but C's get the degrees, so it's all gravy!
My roommies gave me a really sweet card, a little suede tote, lotion, and some sun in stuff for my hair, so it can get even blonder than it already is.
Tonight I am going to see Lord of the Rings-The two towers. It should be a hoot. Hopefully I can follow it. The first one was kinda confusing.
So it's sad and all that I am no longer a resident in Harper Hall with some pretty kick butt kids around me 24/7, but it feels nice to be around family at home, with a future ahead full of excitement and adventure. Woo Hoo! Life is Great! AMEN!!!