My comment of the morning...
"Man, I'm doing bad in college, I should quit."
The reason I said this is because we got our essays back from our History of Christianity class, and I received a whopping C. : (
I know I know, I am usually an A student with an exception of a B here and there, but a C?! What the giff?
Good news though, it's only school. It's so temperal and worldly to be honest. I can't fret over a C. It's JUST a grade. Plus, I improved my microecon quiz score this week by getting a 14 out of 15! Woo Hoo! Ok gosh school. Enough.
Tonight I'm going out to dinner with some gals from FBC. Then some of us are going to The Passion of The Christ. This movie should be interesting. I still remember a while back seeing a small picture in a magazine talking about this movie. Hopefully it won't be too grusome and that I'll leave being continually reminded of who Christ is and what He's done.
I'm going to go grab some food and read before class. See ya!
Gosh carrying the tradition up to Lincoln...
- sarah