It was my second day training. Went well. Lot's of information is now stuffed in my brain. Hopefully I won't forget it all. My trainer is really nice and enthusiastic on the subject matter, so that's good.
I miss everyone in Papio. I feel really removed from them this summer. Well, the Lord gives and the Lord takes but blessed be His name. That is what matters.
Coldstone was crazy last night. We had a ton of the Thespian kids in! One kid was from Alabama and worked at a Coldstone there. Me and Him did the "Banana song" in front of was great. Mo came in. He's so cool. I always like talking to him and making his love it half chocolate/half strawberry with coconut. I guess he will be traveling to New York soon for business. My psychology friend (guy who is getting his masters in psychology) tried to come in after we closed. I felt bad, so I ran over to the window and knocked on it and told him sorry!
The apartment is empty. Quiet. It would be nice if I had more friends down here that is for sure.
Still on a country kick. I like listening to it, it's fun.
Baylor came back from a seven run defecit to beat Tulane in an elimination game tonight. It was sweet. I think I'll cheer for them now, since Nebraska is out and I don't like Texas.
Pops is in Colorado biking and enjoying the beautiful scenery. Makes me think of the verses in Romans 1. "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse." (Romans 1: 20) I pray dad can see that someday by the grace of God.
Here's to the longest day of the year.
And here's to a shorter day tomorrow.