Hey Yall...sorry it has been so long since my last entry. I am now safe and sound in sunny (well...dark right now) FLORIDA! I am living at the Vista Way apartment complex right off of I-4 in Orlando Florida. Too bad Vista Way is ghetto compared to Chatham and The Commons. My job is going well. I love my co-workers. We have so much fun! Our guests are fantastic too. Some of them are snobby rich New Englanders, but for the most part, they are nice. I work with people from all over the world. Ive got some Brasilian co-workers, Kentucky, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Utah, New York..you get the jist of it. My roommates are also from all over...New York, New Jersey, Japan, and Nebraska. It is such a small world in the fact that my roommate Diane is from UNK, and her rooomie from UNK is down here and lives right around the corner. She actually went to DCC.. isnt that wack...Ok so its so cool working here and all because we get into the parks for free! I have been to all 4 parks so far...and I am going to MGM tomorrow. Even though it is going to be sooooo cold out. Only 45 degrees. Sorry Nebraska folk, I know yall are freezing your buns off right about now. Yesterday it was actually hot here. Like 75 degrees. Me and Diane went to Publix (grocery store) I bought healthy food (for once) haha. I feel like such an adult now. Like the age 18 has actually set in. I am living down here on my own, making my own food, paying for everything on my own (for the most part) its crazy yall! I miss yall so much back at home in Nebraska! Im thinking and praying for yall! I hope everything is treating you well. I know with the warm weather and fun down here, Im am being treated well. But it is hard at times to focus on what God wants me to do, and the fact that I need to spend time with Him daily. I am trying my hardest though! I would appreciate your prayers and encouragement!!! Wowzers...I am in this computer lab here in the clubhouse at our complex, and as i look to my left, I see the swimming pool, with white chairs all around it, and then I see the workout building. Its real nice. Also, by my building, I have a lake..with nasty lurky standing water, and a tennis court. oh my gosh...i will have so many more stories on here guys...including the one at work last night, there was a little baby with my name! aww how cute!!!..i just wanted to let you know that im here, and thinking about yall! ok well gotta go..the lab is closing in like 2 min! LATER GATORS!
I'm so glad you love it in Florida, I have been super worried since I haven't heard anything. Email me! I think I lost your address.