Solid Ground wasn't open this morning. Sad. Super sad. I think it is a sad thing that the owner isn't paying his taxes. That place was great. Hopefully it will open back up someday.
I learned that the pH level in our stomachs is 2! This means that it is super acidic. I guess I am gaining some knowledge from this college thing.
My mom got the tickets for the A&M game, and my grandparents are coming down on Friday to stock up the skybox. Oh yeah, gramps mentioned to me that if the Cubbies win tonight and therefore go to the World Series, he wants to go to Vegas to watch them. I don't really get it, but I told him I wanted to go with. I doubt I will go though.
I'm in the computer lab right now down in Harper, and Grant is on the computer next to me. He leans over, and goes "What are you writting about?" and I reply back with "Junk!" That is all this really is right now. It's ok, because sometimes that is all that journal entries are...just stuff that is kinda sorta on your mind...kinda sorta junk in a way.
But this right here y'all is NOT junk...
Titus 1:15
"To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled."
That is the verse of the if only I could memorize it.
Cubs lose.
Cubs lose.
Cubs lose.
Ah well..there is always tomorrow!