"It's A Beautiful Day"...a great song by U2! And a great title for today. The temperature right now is a whopping 62 degrees! Isn't that amazing? It is a mere 10 days till Christmas, and I could be out getting a mid-day winter tan! Haha..OR NOT! Today Justin, Grant, Stace, and I all went to church in Papio. It was a great service. Lou is such a bold pastor.
Today and tomorrow, I have a lot to do. I have to finish up a personal research paper for english, and I have a paper due for religion also. On Friday, I have my Chem final. This week, I have to start packing up my stuff. : (
So that is why I have to enjoy this beautiful day and the upcoming week, because I won't be back in these dorms till next fall! : ( (Again!)
James 1:19...."My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry."