Woops, I'm supposed to be studying. I'm sitting here with my Business Communications book on my lap, but I'm typing this up instead.
Stacey's step-mom woke me up today. She called me Carolyn too. But it's alright, because 1) I was going to get up soon anyways, and c) I get "Carolyn" a lot, so it's nothing new.
There is nothing new under the sun. I think that is a verse in Ecclesiates. Man, I hope that is how you spell it, and I hope that is somewhat what the verse says.
I'm meeting up with my friend Erica today from Disney. She lives in Aurora. I haven't seen her since May! It will be fun to talk about all the crazy fun awesome times we all had down at Diz. Mmm..Panera Bread es muy bueno! Baked Potato soup here I come!
Going home today. Momma's making boigers for din din. I don't know what I'm doing tonight. Hopefully something fun. If that is possible in Nebraska. Haha, just joking! Of course we have fun out here on the rugged cold plains.
I woke Grant up today. Then he came to breakfast and everyone ragged on him. I felt bad for the poor boy. He forgave me for waking him up. LOL, sometimes he's so funny. : )
Ok well, gotta go. Guess I should study up a little so I can pass the 20 point quiz over 5 chapters of material.
See ya!
P.S. I just realized that my title is ::cough:: and i didn't write anything about a cough. Well, I woke up today and coughed like a mug. Some of the coughs I experienced hurt my throat so bad. Ick, I need to get better.
Remember when my mom used to call you Carolyn? I'd be like "MOM, it's CARE-oline!" (haha, I accidentally typed CARE-online). It's because she has a sister named Karolyn. Oh moms.
see ya tomorrow I hope, or a day or two.
LOve ya,