It all started when Andy called and told me that I didn't have to come in to work if I didn't want to. I accepted the offer and decided to hang out with two of my favourite roommates. Anne was especially glad, because she thought no one was going to be around tonight.
My brilliant mind and I came up with the idear to go see Napoleon Dynamite at the Starship where it is two dollars a show, always. So we all conjured up the idear to go to the 9:25 show. Both Stacey and Anne hadn't seen the movie yet. On the contrary, I've seen it probably 10 times. No I am not kidding. Just ask Becca, Megan, Steve, or my rents. I love the movie. It's SWEET, Gosh!!!
So I looked down our long ship-like corridor and noticed the other two getting ready. But they weren't wearing normal clothes, as I saw it, it was dress up time. So I jumped into Kelsi's olive blazer and Anne's unique accessories, added a little lipstick, and Stacey's dark red headband. Also, Anne was so generous as to let me wear her 3-inch gold stilletos.
Keep in mind...where we were headed.
...Napoleon Dynamite at the cheap theatres...
The movie was great. Funny. Hilarious.
Afterwards, we headed around the block to the Coffee House, where we ordered drinks and sat down.
But we didn't just sit down, we were actively taking multiple pictures with various cameras. And so, what you see at the top of this entry was a picture taken by a random man on his way to the bathroom. But, I don't think he was too bothered to take a picture of the Coffee House Gang.
Thanks girls for such a fun night!
Best roommates EVER!!!