So I'm sitting here with a mild head ache, but I trust that the Lord will take it away soon.
Stace and I are about to leave for the Newsboys concert! I'm stoked! I saw them in concert once last year with Stacey and Sara and then this summer we saw them, only not in concert! I'm going to take my digital camera and take pictures, and hopefully I will get to show them the picture from this summer when we were at the gas station.
"This grace gives me fear, and this grace draws me near.."
I'm listening to Caedmon's Call "Back Home" cd right now. Good listenin' that's for sure. I love this cd.
Ahh what a beautiful day it is today! The windows are open...the leaves are fallin' like crazy! Jeans and short sleeve tops are perfect right now. God has blessed us with some beautiful days in Nebraski and that's for shizzle!
Alright...well I gotta go get ready for the concert!
Back from the conert. There are porta potties out in the courtyard...guess there was a watermain break early today at HSS. Glad I wasn't here to experience that!
Instead, I went to an awesome concert and had an overrall awesome night. I need this too. It was great listening to Mrs. Kline..her words of encouragement and of wisdom are really amazing to me...she's so loving and God is definitely working in her life right now. The Newsboys were awesome as usual. I love their concerts! Man, it was tight..one of their guitar players is from Lincoln. I guess he's been with the band for 3 months now...he put on a Husker jersey..it was so cool.
Speaking of Huskers...guess who I saw at the concert??? Oh that would be the big Patrick Kabongo...6'6", 320 lbs! BIG BOY...du du du du dud du du du (haha, TP, BIG BOY!!) Anyways..we got a picture with him and I even gave the big boy a hug!
Alright...I'm tired. See ya!
Sweet... And he was at the Newsboys concer? Sweeter...